Today I share with you the sageness I have accumulated across all the years of my life. Integral insight into how I live my life and how you should live yours too. If you have any supplemental words of wisdom please do share them with me in comments.
1. A tired dog is a happy dog. A tired wife is a fearful husband.
2. Honesty is always the best course of action unless a car salesman is involved.
3. When Ash thinks she has lost her phone, she hasn’t.
4. If a friend asks you to go for a beer, you say yes — under the condition they shout the first round.
5. It’s ok to leave after one round of beer.
6. If we gave everyone the benefit of the doubt, the world would be a better place.
7. If there was anyone I could not have communication issues with, it would be my dog.
8. Han shot first.
9. Nobody knows what they’re doing and everybody tries to hide it.
10. Never leave the house without a snack for your wife.
11. Sometimes you can score a hat-trick in a Grand Final and still lose.
12. Coffee.
13. Careers are built in the conversations between meetings.
14. No, the eagles couldn’t have just FLOWN Frodo to Mount Doom.
15. Small talk is like gravity. It’s essential but we all dream of a world without it.
16. Just accept that you will never grow a beard and so your ultimate potential can never be unlocked.
17. Never fold deuce-seven before the flop.
18. Some of your best days will end with bed at 9pm.
19. Force (N) = Mass (kg) x Acceleration (ms-2).
20. When flying, ensure you claim the middle armrest to assert your dominance. This applies when flying alone and with a friend or partner.
21. You won’t understand your own life the same way you won’t understand Christopher Nolan films or why there would ever be more than two pillows on a bed.
22. The less you care what people think, the more your hairline recedes.
23. Usually, the wisest person in the room is wearing jeans and Asics sneakers.
24. Love is neither earned nor is it a two-way street. It is a gift.
25. No one in the history of the world has ever come home from the gym and regretted doing that workout.
26. The girl you married made your life immeasurably better. Spend every day returning the favour.
27. Always maintain hope for when mature-aged entry opens at Hogwarts.
28. Playing in a band gave you a cool reputation which is slowly being destroyed by your growing appreciation for well-stacked dishwashers.
29. Love deeply and laugh frequently.
30. God is faithful.